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Name : Jason
Contact : 012 6042740
Company :
Megaharta Real Estate
Sdn Bhd E1215 (Malaysia)

Just Email your property at:

Dear all my customers/client...this blog is to help you sell your property. Some of us don't know how to sell or rent the property. This blog will help and guide the owner/landlords, buyers and also tenants.

Most of land owners don’t like to appoint negotiators/estate agents because of the agency fees. The questions that is always in their mind:

1. Why should I appoint negotiators/agents?
2. Why must I pay agent fees? It’s too expensive!!
3. I can sell my own property, no need agents.
4. It’s just a simple job that I can do myself, just advertise...agent also do the same thing!

These are the reason why we use the professional personnel to help us on selling/rent properties:

1. Why we should appoint agents- as we know they are expert in real estate line, they can suggest you the best market price based on your location, demand and also can get the genuine buyers/tenants. Some of owners are emotional when are present during inspection with buyers, for example buyers said “Why is the house look weird, horror",” I don't like this furniture, its old fashion" these kinds of words makes owner emotional and can lead to a quarrel, and it really do happen.

2. Why must I pay agent fees? It’s too expensive!!- of course the owner must pay for the agency fees after the negotiator/agent spent time to advertise, make appointments with client and fuel expenses in order to ensure your property can be sold faster. Compare to other country, our agency fee rate (Malaysia) is still lower than others... still around 2.75% not 3%.

3. I can sell my own property, no need agents. -Yes you can, but you won’t have enough time to handle appointments with buyers/tenants. If you are a working person you won't have enough time to run from your desk, isn't it? Do you think buyers will agree with your time for viewing your property? After office hours? The answer is NO!!!. They also have others work/chores/arrangements/problems i.e. - to fetch their children and facing a traffic congestion. That is why, we appoint agent because IT’S THEIR JOB,THEIR FULL TIME JOB,THEY ARE EXPERT,AND FAMILIAR WITH BUYER'S/TENANT'S BEHAVIOR.

4. It’s just a simple job that I can do myself, just advertise...agent also do the same thing! -just advertised? What kind of method would you know? How much must you pay to advertise in newspapers? Yes, agents also advertise on internet, blogs, newspaper and hang banners on the subject property BUT they have a networking with others agents (co broking)...agents can share their listing with each other and owners don’t have to pay for the co broking agents. As a result your property can be sold faster. For your information, real estate companies have a different rate when they advertise in newspaper compared to individual’s listing. Do you have time to create a blog just for your property? Just for 1 property? Don't waste your time; find an agent and you just wait for your money when the property is sold by the agent!!! It is much easier.

So now you know why we need agents!